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Sex and Your Business

Sex and Your Business

…Why you need Sex in your Business

Disclaimer: This is not about sex business; sex in the office, with your boss or with a client and it’s definitely not another 50 shades of anything. This is simply about Sex and your Business.

Please rewind and then re-play your last sex experience (that’s if you have any). If not, simply re-play the last sexual scene you saw in a romantic Hollywood movie. How was that sex moment? Did you have a smile on your face or a frown when it ended? If your last sex experience was awful, will you go back to that same partner? Will you bother to do it again?

If the experience as far as you are concerned is not worth going back to, then imagine your ‘New’ client strolling into your office/studio/shop, only to leave with a frown on his/her face as a result of a most awful experience due to your lack of proper customer service conduct. Imagine for a second that you are that customer and the business belongs to some other person. Will you ever go back to that same company? At what cost will you be willing to patronize the same outfit for even another product or service?

This brings us to the reasons why you need sex in your business.

First off, don’t be “a one-minute guy”.  In running your business you don’t want to be that person who doesn't last long. You must be able to create a long-lasting relationship with your clients, every last one of them. And it does not have to be only to get the job done. Get into the process of leaving a good first impression, even when it’s only a “hello, its nice to meet you” scenario. Creating a great first impression is one important tool you’ll readily find useful in all your business dealings.

Secondly, It’s not about “the” orgasm- it’s about “how” you orgasm. Don’t get too busy trying to get all the right things done and you miss the chance to do it right. You can create an incredibly good product or packaging but you might end up delivering it in such an unpleasant way, that your client simply wants no part of it. Doing the right thing at the wrong time is always a disaster. Watch how you give your client an orgasm. It isn’t an event, it’s a process.

Next, Get to know their secret desire(s). Everyone has a secret desire, wish or fantasy. Like you would in sex and as you should in business, getting to know your client’s secret desire(s) isn’t optional – it’s très nĂ©cessaire. Understand their needs and be ready to serve that need and make their desire(s) come true. Remember, you’re in business because of your client. It’s understandable that some “special” clients have an insatiable desire yet you might want to make it your job to find their weak point and satisfy their needs or they might seek out someone who will.

Up next is, Know You. I wish I can elaborate on this one but you’ve got to wait for my next post on “YOU & BUSINESS”.

As an entrepreneur, Self-esteem plays a big role in how you feel about yourself and how you handle relationships with clients. It is essential that you come to know “YOU”. Understand how you work and what suits you. Your clients will appreciate it when they know they’re dealing with someone who fully comprehends his or herself. Customers want to deal with someone who is Confident about the product she’s selling to them or the service he’s recommending to them. They want an assurance that who they’re dealing with has a comprehensive knowledge of what he or she is doing, someone who is an authority figure and isn’t afraid to show it. It takes a lot of self-knowledge to radiate that kind of confidence. So, KNOW YOU!

Communication is Everything. As important as communication is in sex, so it is in your business. Don’t miss it and don’t do it wrongly. Relationship experts say that of all we do in our lives, communication alone takes about 90% of our life time. In your business dealings, you must learn how to pass your messages across in ways your clients can hear and understand without any form of misinterpretation. Your body language is as important as your spoken and written words. So watch your body language also. Are your communication signals clear enough not to be misinterpreted? Get your communication skills off the dusty shelve, polish it and make good use of it.

Never let it get stale. This is a cardinal rule of sex and it’s even more vital in your business. Never let your business (idea, operations, processes, etc.) get stale. As soon as your business loses it rhythm, you lose your clients. Be in tune with recent happenings around you and in your business environment or industry. As an entrepreneur you must be innovative and dynamic yet be careful that you don’t become a bandwagon entrepreneur. Draw the line between being “in fashion/trendy” and simply following the crowd.  Keep the passion of your business high and your clients will be drawn to it.
You know sex sells, so give your business a facelift or makeover and sell your business in a unique sexy way that will give your clients a “sexual” business experience and hear them “moan” for more.

I hope you take the time to Sex-Up your business.

Wale Babatunde; The Unconventional SME Consultant 

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